Monday, 10 March 2014

Dinner Time ...

I have just finished eating this salad and it was so delicious. Recently I have been getting quite bored with every day after work meals, so I decided to try and spice it up a bit without having to spend hours in the kitchen. When I went shopping I bought lots of fruit, veg and meat with the intention of just putting different combinations together every night. This was the first meal that I came up with. 
  • Little Gem Lettuce
  • Beef Steak 
  • Pomegranates 
  • Onion
  • Red Pepper 
  • Courgette
  • Baby Tomatoes 
  • Balsamic Glaze 
  • Soy Sauce 

Chop the beef into strips and then fry it in soy sauce until cooked (don't use too much soy as it will be too salty.) In a separate frying pan fry the onions, peppers, courgette, and a few baby tomatoes together in olive oil with some soy sauce, you can add some chopped garlic for extra flavour. (Chop all the veg quite small as its nicer on a salad.) I used a whole baby gem lettuce as they aren't too big for the base of my salad, I then just spooned the fried veg and meat on top of the salad and sprinkled pomegranates over the top. Finish by drizzling balsamic gaze over the top for extra sweetness. 

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